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- <title>
- Presidents Bush and Yeltsin Meet at Camp David
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- <article>
- <hdr>
- Foreign Policy Bulletin, January-April 1992
- The Reorganization of Europe: Presidents Bush and Yeltsin Meet
- at Camp David, February 1, 1992 (Press Conference)
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> President Bush. Well today, for the first time, an American
- President and the democratically elected President of an
- independent Russia have met, and we did so not as adversaries
- but as friends. This historic meeting is yet another
- confirmation of the end of the Cold War and the dawn of a new
- era. Russia and the United States are charting a new
- relationship. And it's based on trust; it's based on a
- commitment to economic and political freedom; it's based on a
- strong hope for true partnership. So, we agreed here that we're
- going to pull closer together economically and politically.
- </p>
- <p> I invited President Yeltsin to come to the States for a
- state visit; he accepted. He, in turn, asked me to come to the
- Soviet Union [Russia], and I accepted. That will be later in the
- year. And he will be coming in the first half of the year, the
- date to be determined later on.
- </p>
- <p> We agreed to cooperate in the safe handling of nuclear
- weapons, arms reductions, and a wide array of other subjects.
- So, from my standpoint and the standpoint of the United States,
- our first team here, we felt it was a very good visit. The only
- problem was, it was very short. But we'll have a chance to
- follow up at the state visit.
- </p>
- <p> And Mr. President, the floor is yours. And welcome once
- again, even though you're heading off now down to the Hill to
- see some Members of Congress.
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Mr. President Bush, ladies and gentlemen.
- I am very grateful to my friend George for the words which he
- has just spoken, in terms of our meeting and aimed at Russia
- and towards me. I feel that the meeting was exceptionally
- positive, necessary, and historic.
- </p>
- <p> We discussed a whole range of issues, as a matter of fact,
- those kinds of issues that have never been exposed and opened
- for many, many years and many, many decades; issues of economic
- reform in Russia, as well as cooperation and assistance so that
- this reform not die on the vine, and issues having to do with
- the Commonwealth of Independent Nations [States], economic
- issues having to do with the military condition now, the
- condition of the military.
- </p>
- <p> And on the initiative of President Bush and Russia also, we
- talked about reduction of strategic and technical arsenals down
- to the minimal of, say, two and a half thousand warheads for
- either side. And in this issue we will now begin very specific
- and concrete negotiations, the issue of arms sales, of
- nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, issues of so-called brain
- drain, and whole series of others. Now maybe some very specific
- and personal issues, but I think having to do with a
- relationship which really has a great importance. I'm very
- satisfied that today one might say that there has been written
- and drawn a new line and crossed out all of the things that have
- been associated with the Cold War.
- </p>
- <p> Today we are going to sign a statement or a declaration on
- the new nature or character of the relationship between the
- United States of America and Russia. From now on we do not
- consider ourselves to be potential enemies as it had been
- previously in our military doctrine. This is the historic value
- of this meeting.
- </p>
- <p> And another very important factor in our relationship, right
- away today it's already been pointed out, that in the future
- there will be full frankness, full openness, full honesty in
- our relationship, both of us value very, very much. Thank you
- very much.
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. Now I'll be glad to take a few questions
- before the President has to leave.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Mr. Bush, Mr. Yeltsin seems to have gone a long way
- toward meeting you halfway on land-based MIRVs. Are you prepared
- to deal your half of the deck on sea-based missiles?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. He has gone a long way. We agreed that all
- these subjects would be discussed in more detail when Secretary
- Baker goes back to Moscow. I think he'll be there within the
- next two weeks. We didn't go into any agreements on categories
- or numbers, but we decided that we would let the experts talk
- about this in much more detail. But we saluted his very broad
- proposals.
- </p>
- <p> Q. We see in the declaration that Russia and the United
- States do not regard each other as potential adversaries. Does
- it mean you followed Mr. Yeltsin's, President Yeltsin's, example
- so that retargeting of American nuclear weapons are not targeted
- on Russian targets anymore?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. We agreed that all these matters will be
- discussed in Moscow. But certainly I agree with his objectives,
- and that is to turn former enemies not only into friends but
- allies. And it's that, that we're starting down that road, and
- I'm quite optimistic about it. We both realize that there is
- some negotiation that has to take place in terms of specifics.
- </p>
- <p> Q. President Yeltsin, if both sides are no friends, then why
- not call for a total elimination of nuclear weapons?
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. The thing is that there are still
- adventurers, terrorists, and irresponsible politicians in some
- countries of the world against whom we have to have a certain
- arsenal of nuclear weapons for restraining them.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Have you discussed with the President some sort of
- overall initiatives which would defend?
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Yes, we did discuss this issue of a
- global shield, if you would. We consider that it's a very
- interesting topic, and George Bush confirmed that, yes, this is
- an exceptionally necessary topic. It would be interesting to
- utilize these systems on a mutual basis, maybe even with the
- participation of some other nuclear-club countries--nuclear
- countries. But this requires a very careful, very detailed
- study at the level of specialists.
- </p>
- <p> Q. President Bush, your thoughts on President Yeltsin's
- proposal for a global shield. Is this something that--we're
- working together on this--is that something that you would
- philosophically be inclined towards?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. It's something that we talked about at lunch
- with Secretary Cheney. As I said, we reached no decision on
- these matters. The Soviet Union has a lot of expertise in space,
- for example. Perhaps one area of real cooperation can be in
- future space adventure; and another could be in this area of
- defense. But we reached no conclusion except to say that we felt
- it was worth discussing it in much more detail.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Mr. President, I'm going to ask you a question. This
- morning you said that the United States are willing to
- participate in the process that is going on in Russia. What
- parts of economic assistance were discussed today, I mean
- assistance for economic reform, rather?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. Well, largely, today President Yeltsin had
- a chance to expand on the reforms he has undertaken. His
- finance expert, Mr. Gaidar, is meeting right now with our
- Secretary of the Treasury, and we agreed that they would talk
- about the details of the reform. So, I would leave any substance
- to hear from those two.
- </p>
- <p> But there are many areas where we already are beginning to
- work with the Soviet Union, not only in these private
- delegations. We feel it would be very important that they be
- full members in these international financial organizations. I
- pledged the United States' full efforts in support for early
- entry into the IMF and into the World Bank. We expanded a little
- bit on the programs we already have working. In terms of
- additional support for the Soviet Union, financial and food, Jim
- Baker had an opportunity to discuss to some degree the
- follow-on from the conference that we had, the cooperation
- conference that was held in Washington last week.
- </p>
- <p> We didn't get into too many specifics on that, but I was
- very interested in hearing from him about the reforms in place.
- And I did, in a general sense, say that the United States would
- like to assist in any way possible.
- </p>
- <p> Q. President Yeltsin, in your opinion, do you consider that
- you are getting sufficient assistance from the United States,
- economic assistance? You heard a lot about it today.
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Well, I would somewhat differently
- approach this question. After all, what's important here is not
- just aid. We were looking at the question of support for the
- reform, cooperation in a lot of different areas, a lot of
- directions, accomplishing a wholes series of programs in order
- to be supportive of reform.
- </p>
- <p> I didn't come here just to stretch out my hand and ask for
- help; no. We're calling for cooperation, cooperation for the
- whole world. Because if the reform in Russia goes under, that
- means there will be a Cold War. The Cold War is going to turn
- into a hot war. This is again going to be an arms race. Again,
- this will be the same regime that we have just recently rid
- ourselves. We cannot allow this to happen because in this
- reform the whole world community has to participate, not just
- the United States, and not just some sort of financial help but
- political support, cooperation, and the accomplishment of
- overall programs by everybody in order to help.
- </p>
- <p> Also, humanitarian aid, we have agreed on this. From
- February 10th there will be a massive assistance on the part of
- the United States and others, and I'm very appreciative to
- George Bush for this.
- </p>
- <p> Q. You said that during the negotiations you were talking
- about nonproliferation of nuclear technology outside of the
- former Soviet Union. Is there a possibility of leaking this
- technology?
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Yes. First is the moving of tactical
- weapons out of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus onto the
- territory of Russia. All of the tactical weapons have been
- taken out of Kazakhstan, from Belarus. We are now finishing up
- that process. And in Ukraine we will be done on July 1.
- </p>
- <p> Now, as far as strategic weapons, this is a more difficult
- question. But there will be a transport, first of all, to
- Russia of those MIRVs warheads onto the territory of Russia so
- that they can be eliminated or so that be turned to fuel for
- power plants, atomic power plants, and peaceful purposes. That's
- the one direction.
- </p>
- <p> Secondly, how to take that 2,000 nuclear specialists who
- were working many decades, what to do with them and how to give
- them jobs. I looked at this issue in Moscow and took the
- decision to help them in a social sense, in a big way, to give
- them material support and radically change up to 5,000 rubles
- per month to give them a pay raise so that they would not flee
- to the West.
- </p>
- <p> Secondly, today we agreed on a whole series of joint program
- where the scientists will be brought in and so that they can
- participate and work. And there was a proposal by President
- Bush to create a center, a research center where they could
- work together fruitfully, and that will attract them.
- </p>
- <p> Q. I just wondered, did you all agree on any sort of
- timetable for your arms negotiations, for example, to be
- coinciding with President Yeltsin's visit in the springtime and
- your visit, I guess, to Moscow later in the year?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. We agreed that the very next step will be a
- much more detailed discussion of this matter when Secretary
- Baker goes, in but two weeks, back to Russia. Do you want to add
- to that, Mr. President, Boris?
- </p>
- <p> Q. Do you have a goal for finishing these negotiations?
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Yes, namely, in two weeks this schedule
- will be prepared by Mr. Baker together with our
- representatives. They'll put it together.
- </p>
- <p> Q. The whole thing will be done in two weeks?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. No, no, just the beginning of the
- negotiations--
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. No, no, no. The schedule will be put
- together, the schedule.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Mr. President, are you convinced that President Yeltsin
- is committed to democratic and economic reform? And do you
- believe he will succeed?
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. I am convinced that he is totally committed
- to democratic reform. And I'm convinced that the problems he
- faces are enormous, but I am also convinced that he will succeed
- if he gets the proper support from around the world for these
- worthy objectives. And we are pledging him support from the
- United States, but I think he himself recognizes the problems
- they face are enormous.
- </p>
- <p> He just put into effect economic reforms. Before he did it,
- he told me. But much more important, he told the people of
- Russia he was going to do it. He told them it would not be easy.
- He told them what he was going to have to do in terms of raising
- prices, which is not a popular thing to do. And he's done that.
- </p>
- <p> And I think it's very hard to predict how this will go. I
- would leave that for him to comment on. But I will say this,
- that the experts that gave me advice feel that because of the
- way in which he handled it and the commitment that is so obvious
- to democratic reform, that it is going, in spite of hardship,
- better than they would have predicted.
- </p>
- <p> So, there is no question that this President, President
- Yeltsin, is committed to democratic reform. He laid his life on
- the line on top of a tank to make that message loud and clear,
- and the whole world rejoiced in it when they saw his courage.
- He's applying that same courage, and I'm not saying that just
- because he's standing here, he's applying that same courage now
- to this concept of economic reform. One certainly cannot doubt
- his full commitment to this subject.
- </p>
- <p> Q. ...Is the federation, Commonwealth working the way you
- wanted it to work? And how long is it going to exist?...
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. Today I explained to Mr. Bush about our
- relationship with the other States of the Commonwealth. Yes, we
- have difficulties, especially in terms of the armed forces
- issues. We're going to be discussing that on 14 February in
- Minsk, where all the heads of the Independent States will
- gather.
- </p>
- <p> There are difficulties. Nonetheless, after all, for every
- time we meet, and we meet once every month, there is each time
- a step forward. You can't forget that the Commonwealth is only
- two months old. This is still a baby in diapers. You've got to
- take care of it; you've got to handle it carefully so you don't
- drop it. That's why we're trying together, all of us, to sit and
- have a dialogue. We have good relations with all the heads of
- states of all these countries; we do. I believe that this
- Commonwealth will be stronger and stronger.
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. Marlin tells me we've got time but for one
- more question because President Yeltsin has an appointment with
- the leaders from Congress at the Russian Embassy, and so we
- really do have to go.
- </p>
- <p> Q. I'm just wondering if you gentlemen would care to share
- the personal relationship that you've developed. You've worked
- closely, certainly, with Mr. Gorbachev.
- </p>
- <p> President Bush. Well, it's well known that I had a very
- close relationship with Mr. Gorbachev. It was built on respect.
- It became friendship. And I can only speak for myself, one half
- of the equation, but the visits I have had with President
- Yeltsin before this have always been very pleasant. I think that
- we have a good understanding. I have a very warm feeling in my
- heart about what he has done and is trying to do. And I consider
- him my friend.
- </p>
- <p> President Yeltsin. I consider that I was very lucky in life,
- both as a political person and just as a man, to have met
- George Bush. We have contacted each other, have been in contact,
- oh, now about two years at least. And even in the days when I
- was in the opposition, we used to meet. And then, even then, I
- already felt his wide-ranging talent, his mind, and his
- qualities as a person. I'm just tremendously impressed by his
- wisdom. I think he has incredible qualities not only as a really
- great political figure of the United States.
- </p>
- <p> Today our relations have now been firmed up as friends, and
- we talk quite frequently to each other. We call each other on
- the telephone. We say "Boris," we say "George," and already this
- says a lot.
- </p>
- <p>(Text from Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents of
- February 3, 1992.)
- </p>
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- </article>
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